Energy Blueprints are an embodiment of the energy of your soul, of your individual frequency and vibration. I channel from your Akashic Records, translating your unique soul energy into sacred colors, shapes, and symbols. I infuse this container with quantum frequencies and the energies of Reiki, for you to access on a deeper level to bring you back to the original, energetic blueprint you came into this world with.  

When I create an individual Energy Blueprint for you, you will share your focus or affirmation with me of what you envision in for your life and your soul’s evolution. From there, I enter your Records, and I put your intention into my Healy frequency device, which analyzes your bioenergetic field, identifies where you are out of balance, and sends the exact frequencies to your Blueprint via the quantum field, that will help you shift patterns and unblock your energy so you may embody your affirmation and align with your original, authentic energetic frequency.

You may work with your Energy Blueprint on your altar space, accessing the frequencies and meditating with them to unlock the energy you wish to embody, to remove the blocks along your path, to shift patterns. 

Your Blueprint may change over time as you grow, shift your healing focus, or elevate into a higher version of yourself. I love to see how these evolve.

You may visit my Etsy store to purchase your custom Energy Blueprint:

By purchasing a commissioned Energy Blueprint, you are agreeing to Kirsten Snobeck’s Terms and Conditions and Shop Policies.

You may also access universal themes such as unconditional love, abundance, and mother earth creation energy, through my Universal Energy Blueprints, which are available as journals to hold your sacred thoughts, tote bags to carry your most precious items, and prints to shift the frequency of your space. Each Universal Energy Blueprint is infused with Reiki and with quantum frequencies, so you may shift your frequency to embody these universal energies.

May you hold your healing path in a sacred light, and may you come home to yourself, returning to your original blueprint. I’m excited to share this sacred energy art with you.Visit my Etsy store to explore sacred frequency journals, totes, and prints to support your inner transformation.