"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -- Nikola Tesla

Everything has a frequency, including the human body, which has vibrational frequency down to the cellular level. It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 MHz. We are electrical beings.

Frequency devices have been around for quite some time, but Healy is the world’s first wearable frequency device that analyzes your Bioenergetic Field, identifies where you are out of balance, and sends personalized quantum, scalar, or individualized micro-current frequencies to you, providing your body with the information and energy it needs to harmonize its own energetic self-organization and self-repair. These specific frequencies can take the Bioenergetic Field of the body to state of higher order, manifesting itself in holistic health, wellbeing, and vitality.

Frequency support came into my world December 2022 and has been essential in supporting my recovery from immense burnout and in navigating major life transitions as I quit my job, put my things in storage, went on a 4000mi road trip, found my new home, and started my soul business in 2023. Working with frequency has been a beautiful way to support my body, mind, and emotions, and I’d love to explore how it may support you, too.

In our distance session, you will receive custom analyses of your Bioenergetic Field and frequencies will be sent to you from the Healy device via the quantum field. I will also re-send all frequencies 3 times during the following week via Whats App.

Click the link below to learn more about these custom sessions and to book. You may choose a session to support your physical, mental, or emotional wellbeing with the Healy program groups - examples include Mental Balance, Sleep, Learning, Job, Bioenergetic Defense, Chakras, Meridians); or a session to work specifically with a particular focus or affirmation through the Coach module (this session also includes frequencies from the Healy program groups). You will be guided to provide information around what you would like support with through the booking process.



I’ve had several sessions with Kirsten with the Healy device now for frequency support. I initially came to her for an Akashic Records reading that included the Healy. I have been studying and doing energy healing work for the better part of 20 years and consider myself quite sensitive to frequencies. I didn’t really know what the device was or what it did and was a bit skeptical about a device delivering frequency, but I was curious enough to give it a go!

Kirsten took the time to explain it to me and interestingly, the moment she ran the program, I felt as if my whole body was being pulled into a vortex and I could really feel the energy. A different program had me feeling a little bit more light and flowy, but each time I can sense a change in energy. I have been intrigued by the accuracy of the reports (analyses of my bioenergetic field).

Initially after a session I feel really really fatigued, but after a few sessions I feel more empowered in the area that I have been focusing on. This feels like less heaviness or reactivity, and more ability to go with the flow. My experience of what’s happening is that it’s removing some of the heaviness of unhelpful or toxic programs or challenges that I’ve been grappling with unconsciously, so that I am able to be more conscious in my pursuit of healing / change without having to battle so much internal heaviness or emotionality around it. I feel a real shift around the issues that I have been working with. If you’re considering a session, I highly recommend giving a go or even getting Healy device yourself!
— Michelle D.


Here’s an example of what a Healy analysis looks like in the Coach module - I send frequencies every week, using a focus channeled from my weekly Akashic Energy Guidance. Check it out, and I’d love to hear what you feel!

The process for the resonance analysis for the Healy programs is similar - it analyzes your bioenergetic field for a specific program group (such as Chakras or Meridians), lets you know the top five programs your body is requiring, and sends those frequencies to you.

If you’re curious about purchasing your own Healy or Mag Healy (a device with additional programs to inform your atmosphere, water, and frequency-specific micro-current programs), these are a empowering tools to add to your kit to to support the wellbeing of yourself and your family (including your pets). I’ve provided some resources below for you, and if you’d like to chat, there is a link below to schedule a call.

This is a movement of frequency + soul-aligned community + leveraged wealth creation. There are several paths available to you here - from working with the device to support your personal wellness journey, to engaging with the community, to becoming an affiliate and building a business to create additional income. Choose what feels aligned to you. I’d love to explore how this amazing ancient-future technology can weave into your world.